At the 2016 Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Winter Meetings in Virginia, a modification to the summer flounder management regions and a 23% reduction in recreational black sea bass harvest were approved. Each state in the northeast was then tasked with presenting options which would meet this reduction to implement prior to the beginning of the 2016 season. Massachusetts Department of Marine Fisheries has released its regulations as follows.
- Black Sea Bass (Private & For Hire) 15" minimum size, 5 fish per day May 21-August 31
- Fluke aka Summer Flounder (Private & For Hire) 16" minimum size, 5 fish per day. May 22- September 23
- Scup (Private) 10" minimum size, 30 fish per person, 150 max if 5 or more anglers, May 1- December 31
- Scup (For Hire) 10" minimum size, 45 fish per person per day (May 1-June 30) and 30 fish per person per day (July 1- December 31)
- Black Sea Bass & Scup may be filleted but not skinned at sea. No more than two filet per fish.