As the start of the new year approaches, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department wants anglers and marine harvesters to be aware of several changes to rules and state laws that will take effect in 2015. These include the following changes to the rules for smelt, striped bass, white perch, haddock, and cod:
- The daily limit for smelt taken from coastal and estuarine waters is reduced from 10 to 4 quarts liquid measure of whole smelt. This applies to both recreational and commercial harvesters and was implemented in response to substantial decline in coastal smelt population observed in the winter and spring of 2014.
- The daily creel limit for striped bass has been reduced from two to one fish per day to comply with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Addendum IV to the Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan, which called for a 25% reduction in harvest. The minimum size remains at 28 inches.
- There is now a daily limit of 25 white perch taken from coastal and estuarine waters. This matches the white perch daily limit for inland waters that has been in place for several years; the limit now applies to marine waters, too.
- There have also been changes to the rules for the recreational harvest of haddock and cod that were put in place to match the rules in federal waters, which are ocean waters greater than three miles from shore. A daily limit of three haddock has been implemented, and there is now a closed season on the harvest of haddock from March 1 through April 30 and from September 1 through November 30. The minimum size limit is 21 inches. For cod, the size limit has increased from 19 to 21 inches, and the closed season in state waters is now September 1 through April 14. The bag limit for cod in state waters remains at nine fish at this time. In addition, there is a 13-inch minimum fillet size for both haddock and cod that are filleted at sea.
Marine anglers should be aware, however, that NOAA Fisheries recently implemented a zero possession limit for cod in federal waters (more than three miles from shore) where all cod caught must be immediately returned to the water. In addition, they have implemented a series of area and seasonal closures of ocean waters to recreational and commercial fishing with any fishing gear capable of catching groundfish. These measures were implemented mid-season to address new information on declining cod abundance levels, so they are already in effect. For more information, please go to NOAA or call the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office of NOAA Fisheries at 978-281-9315.
“I also advise marine anglers to regularly check the ‘Coastal’ section of the N.H. Fish and Game website ( throughout the year, as there may be further changes to both the state and federal rules for both cod and haddock during 2015 to address changing resource conditions for these two species,” said Doug Grout, Chief of Marine Fisheries for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.
Other changes to marine rules and laws include the following:
- It is unlawful to disturb, molest, tend or possess any aquaculture gear or marine species raised in a licensed marine aquaculture operation without the written permission of the licensee.
- Seasonal and year round closures for Berry Brook in Rye have been removed.
- The penalties for violation of rules for American eels and their harvest have been increased to a Class A misdemeanor or a Class B felony for a second offence.
- Little Harbor is now a prohibited area for shellfish harvest and the harvest of shellfish in the Little Bay area of Great Bay Estuary is now limited to Saturdays only from 9 am to sunset.
These changes are detailed in the 2015 Saltwater fishing Digest, which can be obtained at licensing agents, fish and game offices, and can be viewed online at New Hampshire Fish & Game.