The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and NOAA Fisheries will host a public listening session on June 11 from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel in Freehold, New Jersey (in conjunction with the June Council meeting). NOAA Fisheries is seeking input from anglers and other interested stakeholders on what should be included in a National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy. The listening session will begin with a presentation from NOAA Fisheries, followed by an opportunity for stakeholders to share their opinions and ideas for the policy.

The listening session will be broadcast live via webinar (select "enter as guest"). Webinar participants may submit questions and comments during the listening session by through the webinar’s chat function.

About the National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy
NOAA Fisheries is developing a recreational saltwater fisheries policy as part of its Recreational Fisheries Initiative, which was launched in 2009 with the objective of strengthening the Agency’s partnership with the recreational fishing community. The policy will outline a set of principles that guide recreational management decisions and will serve as the underpinning to Agency’s the recreational fisheries action agenda.

Beginning in June, NOAA Fisheries will hold a series of town hall meetings in conjunction with Council meetings to gather stakeholders’ input and ideas for the policy. Additional information about the policy and how to provide comments is available at www.nmfs.noaa.gov.

If you can not make the meeting in person the link to attend via webinar is mafmc.adobeconnect.com

For questions about the recreational fisheries policy:
Russ Dunn, NOAA Fisheries, National Policy Advisor – (727) 551-5740, russell.dunn@noaa.gov
Danielle Rioux, NOAA Fisheries, Policy Specialist – (301) 427-8516, danielle.rioux@noaa.gov

For questions about the Council meeting, or for assistance with connecting to the webinar:
Mary Clark, MAFMC, Communications Program Coordinator – (302) 526-5261, mclark@mafmc.org