NOAA Fisheries reminds recreational anglers fishing aboard Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permitted vessels that the remaining new recreational and commercial measures implementing Amendment 5b to the 2006 Consolidated Atlantic HMS Fishery Management Plan (FMP) became effective January 1, 2018. Amendment 5b implemented a range of management measures to end overfishing and rebuild overfished dusky sharks, and to reduce fishing mortality in order to rebuild other overfished Atlantic shark species such as scalloped hammerhead, sandbar (brown), blacknose, and blacktip sharks, while ensuring that a limited sustainable shark fishery for certain species could be maintained.
Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit holders who fish for shark recreationally will need to obtain a shark endorsement, which requires completion of an online shark identification and fishing regulation training course. All HMS permit holders with a shark endorsement will be required to use non-offset, non-stainless steel circle hooks while fishing for sharks recreationally in federal waters (3 to 200 miles offshore) south of 41°43’N latitude (Chatham, MA), except when fishing with flies or artificial lures. Commercial HMS directed shark permit holders using bottom longline gear will also be required to use circle hooks. For further information, contact the HMS Management Division at 301-427-8503, or go to
New York State already requires that sharks, excluding spiny dogfish, shall not be taken for commercial or recreational purposes by baited hook except with the use of non-stainless steel non-offset circle hooks in state waters (0 to 3 miles offshore). Also, no person shall conduct, sponsor or participate in any shark tournament unless said tournament’s rules and regulations require the exclusive use of non-stainless steel, non-offset circle hooks.
For more information about shark fishing in New York State, please visit