Director of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Janet Coit, has announced the appointment of Jason McNamee as the new Chief of the Marine Resources Division.
"Many of you know and have worked closely with Jason over the past 16 years at DEM," said Coit. "He is a dedicated professional who has gained diverse experience through his roles as supervising marine biologist and principal biologist in the Division of Fish & Wildlife’s Marine Fisheries Section."
"This is great news," said RISAA Board Member Travis Barao. "He is one of the most respected and level-headed thinkers involved in fisheries management."
In 2012, McNamee received a special "Fisheries Management Award" from RISAA for his dedication and service to Rhode Island’s marine fisheries and for his constant support and assistance to the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association."
Director Coit said of McNamee, “Jason has demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting and managing Rhode Island’s marine resources sustainably through his work in running a field project, performing analytical stock assessments, managing data, providing support for the R.I. Marine Fisheries Council, chairing technical committees for the New England Fisheries Management Council and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, filing regulations and managing the Fort Wetherill Marine Fisheries Center staff and its fleet of research vessels.”
Jason has a background in oceanography and marine fisheries and is currently working on completing a Ph.D. in Fisheries Oceanography at URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography.
As chief, he will oversee the administration of DEM’s marine fisheries management programs and staff, including its technical projects, scientific research, and outreach activities. He will continue to work closely with other states, federal agencies, industry representatives, organizations and other stakeholders as together we develop interstate regional plans for the conservation and management of marine fisheries resources.
“Throughout his tenure, Jason has maintained good working relationships with our diverse marine fishing industry, including both commercial and recreational constituents,” continued Director Coit, “and has developed partnerships with local non-government organizations and universities. These partnerships will serve him well in his new role as chief.
“As well, Jay will be coordinating closely with the other scientists and professionals within DEM who represent us on the marine fisheries management bodies, including Assistant to the Director Bob Ballou who represents DEM and leads our delegation at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Deputy Chief of Marine Resources Mark Gibson who is my delegate on the New England Fisheries Management Council, and Chief of Agriculture Ken Ayars who plays an increasing role in promoting aquaculture and marketing of local seafood.”
RISAA 1st Vice President, Richard Hittinger, who is also Vice Chairman of the R.I. Marine Fisheries Council, has many opportunities to work with Jason.
“Jason has been a terrific person to work with on many issues related with marine fisheries,” said Hittinger. “He’s always respectful with all points of view including recreational fishing and other interests.”
RISAA President Steve Medeiros said, “I’m sure I speak for everyone at RISAA in wishing Jason well in his new position. It will be a pleasure to work with him.”