When Ken Westerfeld from Bayside Queens New York, went on his annual tautog fishing trip in Maryland he made history on Friday January 2. Ken, a retired Law Enforcement Officer with the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority and crew left out of Ocean City on the Fish Bound with Captain Kane Bounds and mate Kevin Twilly. The monster white chin was caught on the hot bait of the year- whitelegger crabs; also known as Jonah crabs. The fish was weighed in at Sunset Marina at 29 pounds (many sites are saying 28.8), 35 inches. When recognized after being inspected by a state marine biologist will shatter the current world record by almost 4 pounds, which is held by Anthony Monica out of Ocean City NJ at 25 pounds back on January 20, 1998. This tog will also surpass the Maryland state record which is currently 23 pounds, caught on January 11, 2012 by Charles Donohue.

Capt Kane posted about the record catch “Well today Ken Westerfeld did it, he managed to land a very impressive 28.8- pound Tog. The fish was caught on a white crab in 75 feet of water. Nice work Ken!! The group of 5 had a great day keeping 24 nice fish with the 2nd largest being 12.8 pounds. Nice work today guys!!”

Kane is known as a big tog specialist having studied the two anchor drop technique with Capt Monty Hawkins and famed local skipper of the Morning Star. Capt. Kane even posted this on his web site. “Folks please remember when you book a trip with us I can not guarantee that you will catch a monster tog. Do we catch large fish yes we do!! Do we catch them every trip No we don’t!! Will telling the Captain you only want big fish get you a big one, No it won’t. The guys that I have seen catch big fish are very patient, and understand that weather, conditions, and lots of above power determine if and when you land a big one. So please if you expect only big fish I am telling you now don’t even bother booking a trip with us. This is Fishing folks and we all no what that means.”

Westerfeld had this to say the day following his record catch. “Well I can only thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for bringing me this bite and Capt. Kane Bounds for putting me on this wreck. And all of the people who gave me the experience, all the gear that held up in the fight and my wife for letting me go fish in Maryland and chase my dream and putting up with my fishing over the years.”


28.83 pounds (One scale had 29 even)
35" long
25" girth

Congratulations to Ken Westerfeld on his fish of a life time.