CT DEEP Marine Fisheries Division is hosting one of a coast-wide series of public scoping hearings of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to gather public input on the range of issues and information to be considered in the Comprehensive Summer Flounder Amendment. The hearing we be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, at the Marine Headquarters’ Education Center beginning at 7PM.
The amendment will involve a comprehensive review of all aspects of the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan (FMP) related to summer flounder. Specifically, the Council and Commission will consider whether modifications to the FMP’s goals, objectives, and management strategies for summer flounder are needed.
Scoping is the first and best opportunity for members of the public to raise concerns related to the scope of issues that will be considered. The public is encouraged to submit comments regarding the range of potential issues to be addressed in the amendment. The Council and Commission are particularly interested in comments on the following topics:
- Fishery management plan goals and objectives
- Quota allocation between the commercial and recreational fisheries
- Commercial management measures and strategies
- Recreational management measures and strategies
- Discards in the commercial and recreational fisheries
- Ecosystem, habitat, bycatch, and protected species issues
- Data collection requirements and protocols
The Scoping Document contains background information on summer flounder management and on issues that may be addressed in the amendment, as well as a description of the amendment process and timeline. Additional information and updates will be posted at MAFMC.org.
October1, 2014; 7 PM
CT DEEP Marine Headquarters
Education Center (Rear Building)
333 Ferry Rd
Old Lyme, Connecticut
Contact for hearing directions: David Simpson at 860.434.6043.
Exit 70 off Interstate 95, one-half mile south on Route 156, turn right onto Ferry Rd, continue to end. The Boating Education Center is the rearmost building located behind the Marine Headquarters building.
In addition to providing comments at the scoping hearing, you may submit written comments by 5 PM, Eastern Standard Time, on October 31, 2014. Written comments may be sent by any of the following methods:
2. EMAIL: nmfs.gar.FlukeAmendment@noaa.gov
3. MAIL:
Chris Moore
Ph.D., Executive Director
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
North State Street, Suite 201
Dover, DE 19901
Bob Beal
Executive DirectorAtlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
1050 North Highland Street, Suite 200A-N
Arlington, VA 22201
Please include "Summer Flounder Amendment Scoping Comments" in the subject line if using email or on the outside of the envelope if submitting written comments by mail.
All comments, regardless of submission method, will be compiled into a single document for review and consideration by both the Council and Commission. Please do not send separate comments to the Council and Commission.