SSB, ASMFC, MAFMC, EEZ – seems sometimes as if fisheries management is just one acronym after another.
While everyday anglers can often get caught up in the terminology and process, imagine what it’s like for the marina captains, their crews and all the tackle shop and marina owners at the Jersey Shore who manage businesses while wading through alphabet soup.
From January 29 through April 2, Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) will once again be hosting their annual Introductory Fisheries Science for Stakeholders (IFISSH) course again for 2019. The objective of this course is to educate stakeholders of New Jersey’s fishing industries so that they will better understand and make progress on issues impacting their industries, including the science, management, and responsible stewardship of fishery resources.
The course is open to all who are interested in participating and is a great course to complete for those looking to get more involved in fisheries policy (advisory roles or potential regional council representation).
This course will meet during the evening (6:30 – 8:30 p.m.) every Tuesday from January 29 through April 2 with a new weekly topic of interest like fisheries biology, oceanography, stock assessment, and fisheries management, with invited speakers from multiple local and regional agencies.
This will be a "HyFlex" course to provide students with the option to participate live in-class or remotely via webinar. The in-class meeting location is Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, 1623 Whitesville Road, Toms River, NJ 08755. The program fee is $60 per person.
Please register by January 22, 2019 by contacting Kelly Jurgensen (Administrative Assistant, Marine Extension Program), Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County at or by calling 732-349-1152.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (County Agent III – Assistant Professor), Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Rutgers University at or 732-349-1152.
Class Sessions and Confirmed Speakers
January 29: Course Introduction and Overview of Fisheries Science
Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (Rutgers University) Historical and Contemporary Fisheries in New Jersey
Dr. Eleanor Bochenek (Rutgers University) (2)
February 5: Fisheries Biology and Life History (Recruitment, Reproduction, Growth, Distribution, etc.)
Dr. Chris Chambers (NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center)
Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (Rutgers University)
February 12: Fish Response to Changing Climate off New Jersey
Dr. Ken Able (Rutgers University) Fish Behavior, Migration, and Stock Structure
Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (Rutgers University)
February 19: Fisheries Oceanography
Dr. Josh Kohut (Rutgers University)
Dr. John Manderson (NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center)
February 26: Fisheries-Dependent Data: Commercial and Recreational (Observers, VTRs, VMS, MRIP)
Josh O’Connor (NOAA Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office)
Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (Rutgers University)
Dr. Richard Cody (NOAA Fisheries)
March 5: Fisheries-Independent Data: Bottom Trawl and Other Surveys
Dr. Gregory DeCelles (MA Division of Marine Fisheries)
Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (Rutgers University)
March 12: Introduction to Stock Assessment
Dr. Olaf Jensen (Rutgers University)
Dr. John Wiedenmann (Rutgers University)
March 19: Federal and State Fisheries Management
Jason Didden (Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council)
Mike Celestino (NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife)
March 26: Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management
Brandon Muffley (Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council) Social and Ecological Factors in Fisheries Management
Dr. Bonnie McCay (Rutgers University)
Dr. Roger Locandro (Rutgers University)
April 2: Perspectives of Fishing Industry Stakeholders Speakers and Panelists