A recurring theme at this year’s ICAST (International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades) Show was the need to recruit new people to the sport. At the top of the list was the need to attract more youngsters – a tough task given the numerous distractions and alternatives that the current generation of young people are confronted with. All one needs to do is look around and see the lack of kids fishing local lakes and docks on summer days to comprehend the diminishing number of youngsters being attracted to fishing.
Sadly, too many kids these days are totally missing out on the outdoor experience. The reasons are many and varied, and include the pitfalls of today’s modern electronics world, the breakdown of family structure, and schedules that leave little time for kids to simply have fun.
It’s not my intent to try and correct society’s ills or to rail against a growing number of extreme, or even radical, environmentalists who would close thousands of square miles of water to fishing, or PETA types who preach the evils of catching fish for fun. What is really scary is when youngsters are indoctrinated into this way of thinking. You have to wonder what will happen if these kids grow up to be our next legislators. Can you imagine the ramifications if our state assemblymen or senators were part of that anti-fishing camp?
You can help by not only encouraging your own youngsters to join you on fishing trips, but by taking one or two of their friends along. If you have non-fishing neighbors, offer to bring dad and the kids along. Judging by the number of photos I receive of kids and their catches, many of you have already discovered the benefits and satisfaction that comes with getting children involved in your fishing.
%pullstart%The cost of sending one youngster through the Send-A-Kid Fishing Program is just $18. Please consider helping out this year as the waiting list continues to grow.%pullend%If getting kids out with you is not possible, there’s another way you can help. The Fisherman has been running its Send A Kid Fishing Program for 28 years and with the support of readers, fishing clubs and organizations, and advertisers, has sent thousands of youngsters fishing during the summer months. Sadly, the trend of having to turn down some requests from organizations looking to get their youngsters out fishing due to a drop in donations continues. Difficult economic times, job uncertainty and a noticeable drop in donations from the Wall Street crowd all conspired to reduce the money available for these popular summer fishing trips.
The cost of sending one youngster fishing through Send A Kid Fishing is just $18. Please consider helping out this year as the waiting list continues to grow. The youngsters come from throughout the Metro, NY area, and for many it is their only opportunity to spend a day on the water discovering the benefits that fishing can provide. Donations can be sent to The Fisherman, 14 Ramsey Road, Shirley, NY 11967 Attention: Send A Kid Fishing. Checks should be made out to Send A Kid Fishing. Thank you.
SEND A KID DONOR LIST Donations received through July 15, 2012 |
Ach, Sheila & Henry B
Bach, Christopher C
Canton, Jennifer D
Denn-Lynn Sportsmen E
Eagle Enterprises F
Faulkner, Capt. Neil G
Galfano, Joe & Cathy H
Hahn, Jimmy & Laurie I
Icebreaker Commercial Fishing |
In Memory of Dennis Hlavac In Memory of Dorothy Weber In Memory of Douglas G. Pearsall In Memory of Drew Rigano In Memory of Ed Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Ed & Isabel Fellows In Memory of Edward Tully III In Memory of Ellen Lizza In Memory of Eric Ramsey Jr. In Memory of Frank Burberich, Jr. In Memory of Fred Golofaro Sr. In Memory of Fred Golofaro Sr. In Memory of Fred Golofaro Sr. In Memory of George Heller In Memory of Grandpa Kronuch In Memory of Grandpa Kronuch In Memory of Herb Zilla In Memory of Capt. Jay Rigano In Memory of Jimmy Gross In Memory of Joe Zuccola In Memory of John Alonzo In Memory of John Brady In Memory of John Kerns In Memory of John Fritz In Memory of Julius Weber In Memory of Jullie Dillion In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kathy Kronuch In Memory of Kenny Eimer In Memory of Kevin Hayes, Local 14 In Memory of Kevin Wysocki In Memory of Koshefsky Family Henry Koshefsky Gertrude Koshefsky Buddy Koshefsky Jimmy Koshefsky Mary Koshefsky HoJoe Koshefsky Butch Koshefsky In Memory of Larry Schmidt, Jr. In Memory of Lt. Walter Perras In Memory of Lucille Stanley In Memory of Madeline Dippell In Memory of Mark N. Levy In Memory of Marty Beer In Memory of Matt Ahern In Memory of Nick Christ In Memory of Pete Dahill In Memory of Capt. Richie Rade In Memory of Ruth H. Smith In Memory of Sandy Mengel In Memory of Sandy Mengel In Memory of Serge Bernardini In Memory of Steven Bodor In Memory of Steven Bodor In Memory of Tom Dowd, Local 14 In Memory of Tom Sherry In Memory of Ty Hellriegel In Memory of Uncle Walter Kunick In Memory of Vicki Golofaro In Memory of Vicki Golofaro In Memory of Vicki Golofaro In Memory of Vicki Golofaro In Memory of Vicki Golofaro In Memory of Victims of 9/11 In Memory of Wade Family William D. Wade "The Chief" Elizabeth Wade Billy Wade, Local 14 Tommy Wade, Local 14 Robby Wade, Local 14 Erica Wade Jullie Wade J
J&H Sports Outlet K
Kalkstein, Fred L
Lawrence, Geoff |
LoPiccolo, Phil Lorenzetti, Capt. Al Luljak, David LUV 2 FISH Charters M
Malenovsky, Mark & Sheralee N
Nicks Point Tuna Club O
Oasis Maintenance P
Pace, Charles R
Rainbow Charters S
Salty Dog Fishing School T
215 East Main Street Corp V
Vanginhoven, Neil W
Weber, John Y
Yackel, Maureen Z
Zappulla, G. |