Several weeks ago I read the news story right here at about a survey being conducted by the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife to solicit angler input on potential changes to the state’s striped bass regulations in 2020. I forwarded this story on over to my contact at the Marine Division of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), and they agreed that it is a good way to solicit angler input. I also forwarded this to the other ASMFC state reps here in New England but have yet to hear back from any of them at this time.

Now DEEP would like to know your opinions on potential striped bass regulations for 2020. This comes in response to the 2018 Atlantic Striped Bass stock assessment that indicated spawning stock is too low, and fishing mortality is too high, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is requiring states to implement measures that would reduce harvest levels by 2020 by approximately 17%.

ASMFC will hold a public hearings across New England and the other member states during August-September 2019 to obtain formal public comment on striped bass regulations. Your participation in the ASMFC public comment process is very important, so please stay tuned for additional information on those hearings. In the meantime, DEEP would like to engage with you now to better understand your opinions and interests.

All coastal states’ regulations must change in 2020, and for this reason your participation in this survey and the subsequent public hearings is very important.

To participate, click the Take the Survey button below to submit responses by Monday July 15, 2019.