TAG A TOG THIS FALL - The Fisherman


With tautog season upon us, the Connecticut Chapter of the Recreational Fishing Alliance is re-energizing the tautog tagging program that has been run in conjunction with the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection over the past several years. Former tautog taggers and any new anglers interested in the program should contact Chapter Chairman Jack Conway at CTJackc@gmail.com for tags and or an introduction to the program. Anglers that fish Western Long Island Sound are encouraged to participate in the tagging effort due to a lack of fish tagged west of Milford, CT.

The tagging study is important to the future of tautog management due to the fact that tautog are overfished and management of the fishery is going to require changes to seasons, size and bag limits. Tagging research can provide important information on fishing mortality, natural mortality and stock movements which aid the assessment and management of the fishery. Tautog are the primary recreational species targeted in Long Island Sound during October and November and migration patterns need to be understood in an effort to better manage the species.

For additional information on this tagging effort and how to participate, contact RFA CT Chapter Chairman Jack Conway at CTJackc@gmail.com.