From The Editor Archives - Page 39 of 43 - The Fisherman

From The Editor

Man on the beach at night holding a needlefish

Fix New York’s Striper Fishery

Striped bass remain very much in the news as we enter the New Year, in large part due to the pending Striped Bass Stock Assessment Report which will be presented at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) annual winter meeting February 5-7.

Change of Guard

Just about every U.S. industry has its own “trade” group; for recreational fishing businesses, we have the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), of which The Fisherman Magazine is a member, as are nearly all of the national tackle manufacturers whose products our readers use every day.

There I Was

I’ll turn 51 this month. To some I may still be just a spring chicken. For others of the Millennial and up and coming “Centennials” (also known as Generation Z) I’m probably more like an old buzzard.

A Right to Fish

Here’s something you may have missed in November’s midterm madness.

Striper YOY Numbers Announced

The annual young of the year (YOY) survey results are in, and, well, they are not great, but they’re not that bad either.

2018 11 Surface Stripers MAIN PHOTO BY HUTCHINSON

More Striper Wars

On October 31, 1984, Federal waters were designated as off-limits for the possession and targeting of Atlantic striped bass by way of the Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act — P.L. 98-613.

2019 1 Winners Dream Boat DB 2 DIBNER 5

Down to Last Inning

The Fisherman’s Dream Boat Fishing Challenge is a season long, multi-species, region wide fishing contest in which our subscribers compete against one another to win a slew of great prizes.

2018 7 Deep Water Fluking Catch

Fluke & Flexibility Revisited

According to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) and Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC), we should see a 16% increase in recreational harvest limits for summer flounder next season, so long as benchmark stock assessment results coming out in early 2019 don’t affect the numbers.

2018 10 The Ultimate Equalizer Water

Divided & Conquered

Back in mid-September, the following notice from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) made the rounds.

2018 10 Cashing In On Fall Stripers Catch Main

The Striped Bass Dilemma

With the fall season upon us, striped bass are on the minds of many anglers, and invariably the topic of striped bass management rears its head on beaches, docks and social media.

Playing the Slots

When the subject of fish management comes up, whether the species being discussed is striped bass, fluke or whatever the flavor of the day is, many often turn to the concept of a slot limit as a way to help rebuild the species.

Catch or Release?

I thought I would share the following letter from a Fisherman reader referring to the big mako shark that appeared on issue #23, dated 8/9/18, and also my response, in hopes of setting the record straight for others who may share the same concerns.