Berkeley Striper Club’s 17th Annual “C&R” Striper Tournament - The Fisherman

Berkeley Striper Club’s 17th Annual “C&R” Striper Tournament

The Berkeley Striper Club will hold their Annual Spring Striped Bass C&R Tournament from May 28 through June 5. The 2021 tournament will continue to be a “catch and release” format and include surf, boat and kayak divisions.

“With the continued success of the C&R format we had a fantastic event in the fall of 2020 with increased participation” said John Kravchak, president of the Berkeley Striper Club.  “For our 17th annual spring tournament in 2021 we are very excited to announce a significant increase in prizes to be provided to the winners of each of the competitive divisions, as well as multiple grand prizes that all participants are eligible for irrelevant of submitting a fish during the tournament.”

According to Kravchak, that “significant increase” in prize value was made possible based on the generosity of tournament sponsors including Van Staal, ODM, St. Croix, Tsunami and others still being finalized.

To sign up through PayPal for the Berkeley Striper Club’s 2021 Spring C&R Striped Bass Tournament visit their website at; under events select BSC C&R Spring Tournament and follow the instructions from there.  Participants can also enter by mail or by picking up a tournament pamphlet at their local bait and tackle shop in the Seaside area.

All profits generated through what Kravchak called “New Jersey’s largest and oldest striped bass catch and release tournament” go towards the Berkeley Striper Club’s Fisheries Defense Fund which is designed to financially support efforts that focus on the effective management of striped bass, providing clean habitat and to protect important forage fish in the goal of enhancing our recreational fisheries.

“Our financial support of conservation minded organizations and research institutions includes Coastal Conservation Association of Maryland, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Save Barnegat Bay, UMass at Amherst, Rutgers University School of Biology, Gray FishTag Research and Monmouth University’s Stripers for the Future research efforts studying the physiology of air exposed striped bass and develop recommendations for maximum time out of water for released fish,” Kravchak said.

All told the club has donated over $63,000 in the past 10 years to organizations dedicated to the preservation of striped bass. “We hope you’ll consider joining this year’s event in support of a good cause and to help us promote C&R as a fun way to enjoy fishing competitions,” Kravchak added.

The tournament is open to all New Jersey waters where fishing is legally permitted.   Fish will be entered into the contest via photograph/email submission, and there will be multiple grand prize drawings that all tournament entrants are eligible to win, regardless if they submit a fish in one of the competitive divisions.  The tournament is open to the public.

For more information, visit the club’s website at or contact tournament director Scott Thomas at either 808-469-5895 or via email at
