Go Big, Go Often: Catching A Personal Best
Is this your year for personal bests? How about a Dream Boat winner?
Ol’ Salt Advice: On Freshwater Bass Tournaments
Tournament bass angler offers words of wisdom for club contest competitors.
North, Central Or South: Where’s NJ’s Best Fluking?
Fluke or flounder? As with the action itself, it all depends on where you’re fishing and when!
Beat That Boomer: Battling With Black Drum
Forget full moons and flower blooms, the black drum arrived with the April showers.
Yellowfin Fever: Targeting Weakfish
Locating areas with the potential to produce good weakfish action is actually pretty simple.
Party Boat Fluke: Gaining An Edge
Being able to cast is a big advantage, and light spinning tackle allows you to get good distance and cover more water, despite the handicap of an underhand cast.
Bait & Bass: Circles In The Surf
I used to lose at least one fish for every few I hooked, I now go weeks on end without dropping a fish on a circle hook.
Bass Biology: Making Sense Of Striper Sense
Appreciating the senses of your target species will help in anticipating their behavior.
A Reel Drag: How Tight And Why?
Ten expert surfcasters from up and down the Striper Coast discuss their drag setting preferences.
When Fluke Attack: Fishing’s Most Underrated Ambusher
How summer flounder use different methods to seek, find and destroy prey.
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Product Spotlight: Yo-Zuri Surface Lures
Yo-Zuri remains in a class of its own with their unique and extensive line of topwater lures for a variety of gamefish.