Cape Atlantic Striper Kicks Off Bill Couch “C&R” Event April 6 - The Fisherman

Cape Atlantic Striper Kicks Off Bill Couch “C&R” Event April 6

The Cape Atlantic Striper Club is proud to present the 3rd annual Bill Couch Memorial Tournament beginning Saturday, April 6th and running through Friday, April 12th with a new, easier to win format!  Everyone who enters this year is eligible to win one of the grand prizes, including a Century/Van Staal combo valued over $1,800 and a beautiful custom plug.  You don’t have to catch the longest fish to win; although, if you do, they’re going to take care of you for that as well!

A “catch and release” only striper tournament, there’s a top prize for longest fish in the tournament, but tournament organizers say the main prizes are being raffled off to tournament participants.  Monies raised from the 3rd annual Bill Couch Memorial Tournament will go towards the Greater Atlantic Cancer Fund in Bill Couch’s name.

“We’ve donated over $10,000 total in the last two years, and obviously, we’re looking to continue and increase that this year,” said Darrin Greene, President Cape Atlantic Striper Club. “Bill Couch was a great example of a surfcaster and plug builder,” Greene said, adding “Bill was a friend of the club and many of the individuals that belong to it, but more importantly, Bill was very well known for his easy going nature and generosity.”

A memorial banquet will be held following the weeklong contest on Saturday April 13.  For registration details go to


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