Correction to 2020 Connecticut Fishing Guide - The Fisherman

Correction to 2020 Connecticut Fishing Guide

Nobody’s perfect and we all make mistakes; I’m completely aware of this. As an editor my job is, among about 1000 other things, to ensure that what is printed in The Fisherman Magazine and posted online at is 100% accurate, but the fact of the matter is that every once in a while something slips by and an error gets out. Well, that’s what happened in Connecticut this week.

Every spring, after all the public hearings, meetings and discussions are complete, the Fisheries division of the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environment (DEEP) publishes its annual fishing guide for the inland and marine districts. This past week boxes of the printed guide were delivered to fishing, hunting and outdoor shops across the state.

On Monday afternoon I made a quick run out to one of my local shops to grab some last-minute trout gear before they closed due to concerns over the coronavirus and it was pointed out to me that there may be an error in the inland regulations page of the 2020 guide relating to striped bass as it still listed the 2019 limit of 1 fish per day greater than or equal to 28 inches. As soon as I returned home I sent an email to my contact at the DEEP Marine Division for clarification, and he verified for me that it is, in fact, an error.

To confirm, effective today, right now, and going forward, striped bass regulations in Connecticut, regardless of where the fish are landed (inland or marine district) are as follows:

1 fish per day, per angler, with a slot limit for harvest from 28 – <35 inches, in ALL waters.

A digital copy of the guide may be downloaded right now with the correction noted at However, no print copies will be made with the correction at this time.

Hey, it is what it is; as I noted in my opening line, we all make mistakes. For those of you who plan to keep a copy of the guide on hand in order to use as an excuse to harvest a fish in excess of 35 inches this year as a bunch of you noted on the Connecticut Fish & Wildlife’s Facebook page when they first made the announcement of the error, good luck with that.


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