Editor’s Log: Send Em’ In - The Fisherman

Editor’s Log: Send Em’ In

Anyone who has spent any amount of time fishing no doubt has a favorite story to tell about the big one they caught, or the big one they didn’t. I know this for a fact after listening to readers share their tales for my years in the industry. The Fisherman readership is likely the most loyal in the industry as demonstrated by renewal rates that are unheard of in the publishing business. They are also extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their fishing, and many are highly skilled anglers. All one has to do is look at the Dream Boat standings year after year to see the quality of the entries submitted by readers. All of this time spent fishing translates into some great fishing experiences that we would like you to share with other Fisherman readers. Not only do you get to tell your story, but you can earn some bait money at the same time.

The Tale End column, which appears in each of our monthly issues provides the perfect forum for you to relay your favorite fishing tale. I hear so many great fish stories while talking to readers at shows, seminars, club meetings and when I’m out fishing, yet they rarely find their way to print, despite me encouraging these folks to write and share their story. There is no reason to be intimidated by writing about your experience – it’s all about the details and sharing your feelings or emotions at the time. Give us that and we’ll do the rest. It could be about your first 50-pound striper, the swordfish that jumped into the boat, the thresher that knocked you silly with a swipe of its tail, or how you survived a disaster at sea. It could be about the loss of a big fish that left you heartbroken, something humorous or scary, something that makes people laugh or cry. One Tale End some years back was about a man and his dog who always went along on his fishing trips, and how crushed he was when he had to put the dog to sleep. That one was a sad example for sure. It could be about the huge trout that you had been trying to catch all season – you even named him – and when you finally succeeded, you honored the fish by releasing it. How about a memorable experience shared by you and your child which bonds you for life? I hope by now you’re getting the picture. I know those stories are out there so sit down at your computer and bang out 600 to 700 words and let us worry about cleaning it up. We would appreciate it being in word format, and including a photo that relates to the story makes it even better.

And don’t forget to share your fishing photos. There are plenty of opportunities to have your catch published as a news photo in the Report Section, in the Photo Gallery, or as a cover on the weekly supplement. We are always on the lookout for quality cover shots for the glossy, monthly edition. Maybe some of those great photos you post to Instagram are suitable as a cover shot that just might put a nice chunk of cash in your pocket. We’re not talking about hero shots holding up a dead fish – we need high quality, high resolution images in a semi vertical format (must crop to our cover dimensions) with a live fish fresh out of the water and displayed in a unique pose, not just holding the fish up in a vertical position by its gills. Ideally, no bloody fish or decks, and we prefer the angler not be wearing sunglasses. Hats should be tilted up so as not to cast a dark shadow over the angler’s face. You don’t need a $1,000 camera to get the right shot. Today’s i-Phones can produce high resolution images as good as the best of cameras, and the best part of it is that it is always with you. If you feel you have a photo that fits into any of these categories, email Matt Broderick at mbroderick@thefisherman.com with your best submissions.


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