From July 16-19, staff from The Fisherman Magazine will be attending the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades, better known as ICAST. Now in its 67th ICAST is a dealer show (i.e., it’s not open to consumers from the general public) where tackle manufacturers from all over the world convene in one location to get their goods into the hands of both wholesalers and retailers throughout the country.
ICAST takes place at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL and is presented by the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), the sportfishing industry’s trade association. ASA calls this annual event “the world’s largest sportfishing trade show,” and while this huge tackle industry showcase is not open to the angling public, The Fisherman’s editorial team of Jim Hutchinson, Jr., Jenni Ackerman, Dave Anderson and Matt Broderick will be there walking the floor to report back on-camera about the latest, greatest fishing gear being introduced to customers in the next several months.
One of the big events within the event itself is the New Product Showcase in which tackle exhibitors compete for the coveted “Best of Show” awards in 37 categories leading up to the coveted, overall “Best of Show” award. “Who will amaze the fishing world with their latest technology and design,” is what ASA asks at the website. It could be saltwater, or perhaps fresh; but whatever product earns the coveted Best of Show grand prize you can rest assured knowing that The Fisherman team will return home with all the details.
Starting later this month, keep an eye out for emails from The Fisherman as we plan to spotlight at least two new products every week in exclusive video features from the floor of ICAST. If you don’t currently receive our biweekly email alerts, go to and select the E-NEWS SIGNUP at the top of the page.