NOAA Fisheries Looking For Tuna Advisors For ICCAT - The Fisherman

NOAA Fisheries Looking For Tuna Advisors For ICCAT

NOAA Fisheries is soliciting nominations (which may include self-nominations) to the Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) as established by the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act.

ICCAT was established to provide an effective program of international cooperation in research and conservation in recognition of the unique problems related to the highly migratory nature of tunas and tuna-like species. The ICCAT Commission, entered into force in 1969 after receiving the required number of ratifications, usually holds an Annual Meeting in November of each year, and convenes meetings of its working groups and other subsidiary bodies between annual meetings as needed.

Nominations, including a letter of interest and a resume or curriculum vitae, should be sent via email to Bryan Keller ( by September 30, 2022.

Include in the subject line whether the nomination is for a position as an Advisory Committee member or as a Technical Advisor to one of the Committee’s species working groups.

More details are available in the Federal Register Notice.

Additional information about ICCAT is available at



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