Photo Gallery - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery

Karim Elayouby exclaimed “my new wintertime gamefish is carp!” after fishing New York City’s Central Park and Harlem Meer with Lynn Gardiner with some of his friends during the months of December through February.
Just because it’s the winter does not mean all the stripers are gone. Jack Francesconi took a small boat into a South Shore of Long Island tidal river to have some fun catching and releasing schoolies on light tackle.
Bayside Anglers member Phil Romano fished inside a North Shore harbor last fall and caught a massive 18-pound bluefish from the surf to land him second place for the year in the bluefish category for the interclub contest hosted by The Fisherman.
Pollock were on the menu for those who sailed aboard the Captain Lou’s long range, deep water wreck fishing trips in February.
Slot-sized cod hit the deck for the Super Hawk out of Point Lookout on their extended trips in search of wintertime bottom dwellers.
Glenn Termine snagged the pool fish on one of the King Cod’s January expeditions into the deep out of Moriches in search of winter bounty.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking