Photo Gallery - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery

Bill Siegel grabbed a few dozen ‘greens’ from Fisherman’s World in Norwalk, Ct. during a summerlike day in the end of October. On some new grounds and with the wrong tide he still beat the odds and boated this 21-incher.
A personal best of 48 pounds for Jay Kogan! The 50-incher was caught in about 35 feet of water just outside of East Rockaway Inlet on a live bunker on an 8/0 circle hook.
On the Laura Lee out of Captree Jason Goroff live lined a bunker on a 7/0 circle hook with a drail for this 44-inch striped bass on October 27th. The fish was quickly released after the photo.
Irie Viniotis from Knot Your Rods customs just turned 14 and celebrated her birthday with this 47-inch striper, caught and released near Jones Inlet on one of her own handmade bass rods!
“It’s been consistent,” said Thomas Hippner who has been fishing the central South Shore of the island and came across good striper action just about every time from the sand beaches.
Avi got in on the epic striper bite off Atlantic Beach by live lining a bunker for this 40-plus pounder caught at sunrise. Photo courtesy of Joey Leggio.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking