Photo Gallery: Another Month In The Books - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery: Another Month In The Books

Here we are in the middle of the fall run and so much of the first half of the fall has felt like and extension of summer. We’re still seeing photos of anglers in shorts and t-shirts out enjoying a comfortable day on the water fishing for all of the inshore species that call New England home.

AK Wilson with his first-ever kayak striper, it’s quite likely to be the first of many!
Walter Taylor gives an emphatic ‘thumbs up’ to the sea bass fishing aboard the Black Hawk running out of Niantic, CT.
CJ Adams with a nice fluke taken during a September trip on the Black Hawk.
Michael Ionin with a beautiful striped bass caught and released in Boston Harbor last month.
Tim Lynam with a slot striper caught on Plum Island after buying some bait and tackle from the good people at Surfland.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking