Photo Gallery: Final Farewell To Winter - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery: Final Farewell To Winter

Much of the winter of 2023 could be described as a ‘non-winter’. The weather was mild, precipitation was minimal and there was almost no snow! This translated to bonus fishing opportunities for anglers across New England and many of our readers took advantage. As we look forward to the migrations of stripers, fluke and other summer species that are due to arrive in the coming weeks, let’s take one last look back at a unique winter.

Mike Duffy took this beautiful tiger trout under low-light conditions back in March.
Tom Houde took advantage of a spring-like day in January to catch a few holdover stripers.
Capt. Jason Colby of Little Sister Charters caught this plus-sized largemouth bass on his annual offseason trip to Florida.
Sean Guzeika landed this Sebago salmon from a pond in Rhode Island in early February.
Here is regular contributor Lawrence Thompson with a solid pickerel landed from a Rhode Island pond back in March.
Todd Treonze took advantage of the catch and release season in Connecticut and landed this nice rainbow trout, among many others in March.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking