Photo Gallery: It’s All About The Fall - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery: It’s All About The Fall

I don’t know exactly what I’d say a ‘typical’ fall season in New England is, but I know the fall of 2023 wasn’t it. I can’t ever recall a fall season with more peaks and valleys in the temperature, with daytime temps eclipsing the 80-degree mark several times in the last week of October, and barely day that didn’t see 65 for the whole month, it was an atypical month. One thing that was quite typical, was the pattern of windy weekends, I’m going off of memory here, but I think we had some kind of storm every weekend in October! But we’ve seen this before. But our readers made the best of it and here’s some of the proof!

Lochlan Wilson took advantage of a warm October day with his grandfather, Roger Wilson, and landed this pair of keeper tog.
The warm fall weather brought full boats for the cast and crew of the Black Hawk running out of Niantic, CT; and the porgies were biting like mad!
Here’s Lindsey, another happy Black Hawk customer, with her pool-winning tog!
Regular photo contributor Larry LaForce with a nice bonito he took from his kayak toward the end of last month, he narrowly missed a classic ‘grand slam’ that day!
Codfish were a common sight on the blackfish grounds, especially in eastern Buzzards Bay and throughout Rhode Island. Here’s John H with a nice one caught aboard Little Sister Charters running out of Westport, MA.
Sam Rosen took a trip with Capt. Sebastian of FishLinked Charters running out of Wareham, MA and landed this limit of tasty tog.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking