Photo Gallery: Sand Eel Striper Slammer - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery: Sand Eel Striper Slammer

Taking a look back at the some of the sand eel surf fishing action this fall.

The ’24 sand eel striper run along the South Shore of Long Island was a great one for surfcasters, marking one of the most exciting periods in the fall fishing season. As the waters cooled in the beginning of October, sand eels gathered in dense schools close to the shore, attracting striped bass that were eager to bulk up before their migration. These slim, silvery baitfish became the focus of the stripers, leading to intense fishing that stretched along miles of beach. For surfcasters, this run provided a prime opportunity to hook into bass using slender-profile lures like diamond jigs, needlefish plugs, and soft plastics.

Tyler Staiger picked this striped bass after dark while fishing an east end beach on the South Shore of Long Island.
David Marcus captures what it’s all about with this shot of a striper he caught on the central South Shore during the month of October on an evening tide.
Tom Hippner hit the beach early on the western end of the island for this 20-pounder.
This 43-incher was caught and released by Sean Ackerman on a Joe Baggs sand eel soft plastic in the beginning of October.
During the beginning of the sand eel run, Alyssa Ortiz hit the surf and connected with this oversized striper well after the sun came up. After a quick photo the fish was sent back on its fall migration.



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