Reader Gallery: Keep ‘Em Coming! - The Fisherman

Reader Gallery: Keep ‘Em Coming!

One of the best parts of my job is seeing all of the photos coming in from all over New England. It serves as a bit of a litmus test for me, seeing what our readers are fishing for, so that I can be sure we have article coverage for those species and methods. But it many regular photo contributors have become friends through email conversations and some of them have become writers as well. If you would like to see your photos displayed here, please email them to [email protected] with all the important details about the angler and the catch.

Regular contributor and author, Todd Treonze, shown here with a nice spring codfish he landed off Newport in his kayak.
Tom Houde, another regular contributor turned author, with a fat yellow perch from earlier this spring.
Young Joseph Ruszala has got the fishing bug bad; here’s a nice tiger trout he caught in a Cape Cod pond.
Luke Williams is all smiles during a recent squid trip aboard the Black Hawk.
Lawrence Thompson took a break from the kayak and did some togging from his tin boat, here’s one of the many they landed that day.
Dan Parma with a nice smallmouth bass taken from an undisclosed New England pond.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking