Reader Gallery: The Season Accelerates - The Fisherman

Reader Gallery: The Season Accelerates

I love this time of year because my inbox mirrors the momentum of the season. And now that I’ve been at the helm of the magazine for a few years, I also start to see familiar names returning along with the fish. As you might guess, the last weeks of April and the first few days of May see a lot of trout, a few vacation pics and then we start seeing tautog and stripers. And from there, things ascend into full-blown excitement! If you would like to see your photos displayed here, please email them to [email protected] with all the important details about the angler and the catch.

Regular contributor Todd Treonze with a Rhode Island golden trout caught back in April.
Capt. Mike Smith with a buzzer-beater tog caught during the waning hours of the Connecticut spring blackfish season.
Larry Thompson continues to prove his multi-species prowess with another nice rainbow trout.
Panfish selfies with Danny Parma, we’ve seen a sharks, smallies and now Florida panfish from this man who seems to always be fishing.
Don Chalon took an early May trip in Narragansett Bay with friends Todd and Carson, they put a ton of fish on the boat using a variety of lures, but Flutter Spoons did most of the damage.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking