Reader Gallery: This & That - The Fisherman

Reader Gallery: This & That

As we cross winter’s finish line and step into spring, we often find ourselves with a smorgasbord of unused reader pics that span a wide swath of the fishing season. Winter tends to be a lean time for fishing photos, and we welcome the windfall of photos that typically flood in as the season gets going and more of our readers get back out there to do what they love. If you would like to see your photos displayed here, please email them to [email protected] with all the important details about the angler and the catch.

Here’s flutter spoon maker and rabid angler Larry LaForce with a nice wintertime smallie landed from his kayak.
This young man goes by the name Jimmy Z and he landed this 19-inch rainbow trout on a winter trip to the Poconos.
Nick Dietz sends in lots of fishing photos and even had an article published with us last spring, it seems like Nick can catch anything! Here he is with a salmon taken from Lake Ontario.
Sage Nicholson is another young angler who seems like she can catch a fish in a rain puddle, here she is with a nice striped bass from last season!
Ken Webber with a nice brown trout taken from a pond in Plymouth, Massachusetts back in early March.
Andrew Drake sent us this photo of his personal-best sucker that measured 18.5 inches. Andrew also makes his own lures!
Another happy customer aboard the Black Hawk with a really nice sea bass taken at the end of last season.
Here’s Jason Bloch with a solid pickerel landed from Norton Reservoir in Massachusetts.
Here’s regular Fisherman’s World customer, Oliver, with a hefty Housatonic River striper taken in March.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking