Tackle Tip: Profiles For Fluke - The Fisherman

Tackle Tip: Profiles For Fluke

Several different Gulp profiles shine when it comes to fluking.

While natural baits will always work and excel when fluke fishing, there’s no denying the ever-growing popularity of soft plastic baits. The results using these plastic and biodegradable baits are usually on par with natural baits and sometimes they may work even better.

Of course, another reason for the popularity of soft plastic baits for fluke, is the convenience when it comes to storage, rigging and durability. Most natural baits have to be kept frozen or cold until use while live baits have to be kept alive of course which is a whole other ordeal (well worth it in some cases). Soft baits on the other hand, can be kept in any sort of tackle bag or box with no reason to worry about their temperature.

I believe that the profile of the bait plays a big factor in attracting fluke. Yes the scent and color is important, but carrying an assortment of profiles will give you even more options to help you dial in the bite. The Berkley Gulp line in particular offers an array of different models, all doused with their signature scent. Even among the extensive Gulp catalog, there are a few that really stand out on the fluke grounds.

Swimming Mullet

Swimming-MulletI would consider the Gulp Swimming Mullet the original staple soft plastic from Berkley when it comes to fluke fishing. This is the one I first started using many years ago and I still continue to use today. To narrow it down even more, the 4-inch model seems to do the most damage on my boat for most fishing applications and usually produces quite well. Some prefer the 5- and 6-inch models in deeper ocean waters. You can use these mullets on just about any fluke rig, bucktail, teaser or even combine it with real baits. You won’t see me fluke fishing without the Swimming Mullet in my bag because they have and will continue to perform.



grubNot an exclusive Gulp design but original in terms of their makeup, the Grub model is quiet similar to any other plastic grub you may have fished with for salt or freshwater gamefish. Gulp has been offering theirs for several years now, soaked in their proven scent formula that always seems to get the job done. In my opinion, the Grub produces a bit more action thanks to it’s longer tail which – at times – can entice more bites. They are a bit thinner than the Swimming Mullets as well. The 4-inch models are my pick for shallow backwaters and the 5- and 6-inch versions get the nod for ocean fluking. A simplistic rig that I love to use it the double Grub with one rigged on a jighead and then the other rigged on a baitholder hook about a foot and a half above the jig with another plain Grub.


Saltwater Shrimp

ShrimpIf you have ever fished down south, you’ll learn right away that live shrimp and shrimp imitations are king. While we don’t have the shrimp population here in the Northeast that they have down south, they are around and fluke will sometimes key in on them. That’s where the Gulp Shrimp comes into play. The Shrimp is one of the more durable soft baits that Gulp offers and it works very well when other species of fish such as snappers and blowfish begin to pick apart the usual offerings. The Shrimp is a more robust design that can stand up to being pecked at by nuisance fish and can also hold up through repeated strikes from toothy flatfish, allowing for more fishing time with a single bait. Also, might I add, weakfish love shrimp and this profile might score you a weakie or two while fishing for fluke.


Sand Eel

Sand-EelIn my neck of the woods, Long Island New York, the presence of sand eels has sparked a very consistent fluke bite with fish up to about 8 pounds, with plenty in the 3- to 5-pound range. These flatties have been focused in on sand eel schools and seem to move right along with them, staying under the schools the whole time. So keeping an eye on your finder looking for the bait and sticking with it seems to be the key in staying on the bite. When sand eels are around slimmer profiles like the Gulp Sand Eel are your best bet and get the more hits.




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