Your Guide To Trout Seasons In New England - The Fisherman

Your Guide To Trout Seasons In New England

No matter where you fish, April marks the beginning of, what most freshwater anglers call, ‘trout season’. And that even holds true for Massachusetts where trout fishing and harvest are open year-round. Opening Day is steeped in age-old tradition as parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles instill incoming generations with the same excitement that has spiced their springtime fishing since their relatives gave them the same introduction when they were small.

Trout seasons vary from state-to-state and, no matter where you plan to wet your line we recommend checking the corresponding fisheries website for the state where you’ll be fishing before you make your first cast. Over and above all of the laws governing where you can fish for trout and when you can start, you must obtain a fishing license, some states have exemptions for senior citizens and veterans and most waive the need for license for kids as well. Here’s a basic breakdown along with trout season information for each state.

State Exemptions Cost Trout Season
Connecticut Anglers under 16 and over 64 years of age, fishing licenses are free. Resident: $28 ($14 for those aged 16 and 17)

Non-Resident: $55

All: $5 trout stamp if you intend to harvest trout.

Open year-round, catch and release only from March 1 to the second Saturday in April.
Rhode Island Under 15 years of age do need a license. Residents over 65 can obtain a free and permanent fishing license. Resident: $21

Non-Resident: $38

All: $6 Trout Stamp required.

Trout fishing is closed from March 1 to the second Saturday in April.
Massachusetts Licenses are free for anglers aged 15-17 and over 70. No license required for anglers under 15. Resident: $33

Non-Resident: $43

Non-Resided Minor (15-17): $7.40

All: No Trout Stamp

Open year-Round
Vermont Under 15, no license required. Resident: $28

Non-Resident: $54

All: No Trout Stamp

Open the second Saturday in April through October 31
New Hampshire Under 16 years of age, no license required. Anglers over 68 years of age, pay $7 and those over 77 are free. Resident: $45

Non-Resident: $63

All: No Trout Stamp

Open January 1 through October 15
Maine Under 16 years of age, no license required. Special licenses available for military. Resident: $25

Non-Resident: $64

All: No Trout Stamp

Varies by region and, in some cases, by the body of water. Check local regulations.



