CT DEEP Marine Fisheries Division is hosting a Public Hearing of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Draft Addendum IV to the American Eel Fishery Management Plan on Tuesday June 24, 2014 at Dinosaur State Park beginning at 7PM.
The draft Addendum proposes a wide range of management options with the goal of reducing mortality and increasing the conservation of American eel stocks across all life stages. Specific management options focus on the commercial (glass, yellow, and silver eel life stages) American eel fisheries. Draft Addendum IV is the second management document to respond to the findings of the 2012 benchmark stock assessment indicating the American eel population in U.S. waters is depleted.
Fishermen and other interested groups are encouraged to provide input on Draft Addendum IV by attending the public hearing hosted by Marine Fisheries or providing written comments.
June 24, 2014; 7 PM
Dinosaur State Park
400 West Street
Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Contact: David Simpson at 860.434.6043.
Directions: Exit 23 off I-91 in Rocky Hill. Follow the park signs east on West Street for
approximately 1 mile. The park is directly off West Street. Watch for signs and a large geodesic dome.
The Draft Addendum is available on the Commission website, by contacting Marine Fisheries at 860.434.6043 or the Commission at 703.842.0740.
Link: ASMFC.org
The public comment deadline is 11:59 PM (EST) on July 17, 2014. Comments must be submitted to Kate Taylor, Senior Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, 1050 N. Highland St., Suite 200 A-N, Arlington, VA 22201; 703.842.0741 (FAX) or at comments@asmfc.org (Subject line: American Eel). Final action on the Addendum is scheduled to occur in August. For more information, please contact Kate Taylor at ktaylor@asmfc.org or 703.842.0740.