Surf Archives - Page 10 of 18 - The Fisherman


Surf Enough

Surf: When is Enough, Enough?

Walk away, and you will benefit from challenging yourself, and future generations will benefit from having more fish to catch.

Surf What Why

Surf: What, Why, When To Throw

Try to accumulate infor- mation and decipher the code for a given set of conditions, and then se- lect an appropriate lure.

Keeping Comfortable TACKLE TIP

Tackle Tip: Keeping Comfortable

Migraines, mal de mer, sore feet and cold coffee are sure ways to ruin any fishing trip; here’s a trio of tips to combat them all.

Scale down your choices of lure sizes

Surf: Time to Go Light

Take advantage of the current crop of small stripers by scaling down your tackle and having fun catching them.

Located at the west end of East Beach, Fresh Pond Rocks is denoted by the outcropping of rocks along an otherwise featureless, sand beach.

Fresh Pond Habs

Fresh Pond Rocks denotes the beginning of the rocky, fishy structure leading west along East Beach in Charlestown, RI.