How to Tie The Belmar Rig - The Fisherman

How to Tie The Belmar Rig

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We’ve received a few email requests at The Fisherman Magazine about how to tie the Belmar Rig for tautog (blackfish) fishing. Noted togger and longtime Fisherman contributor Frank Mihalic has written of this particular rig as being the ideal choice for being able to adjust for the actual structure you are fishing. “For example if dropping on top of a barge and you’re moving your sinker until it drops into a hole,” Mihalic says. “The double line at the end of your top shot can be made over 6 feet in length for added protection if you like,” he writes for The Fisherman, adding that y can also adjust the distance from the bottom that your leadered hook is tied in, as you wish. “The first time I ever saw the Belmar Rig was on the bow of the Big Mohawk III when Gary Fagan ran the boat,” Mihalic told us of this his favorite tautog rig, adding “This was going back some time, this was going back to like 1990.”

Find more rigging tips at

Learn a few basic fishing knots at

See more of Frank Mihalic’s articles at

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