The June 10 meeting of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association will be held on the banks of the Hudson River! The June meeting will be held at the pavilion in the Alpine Boat Basin of the Palisades Interstate Park. Bring your fishing tackle and wet a line. Join us for a grilled hot dog in the open air of this majestic historic site. Listen to a fascinating presentation by Eric Nelsen the Park’s own Historic Interpreter called: “The Unknown Palisades: A Slideshow through Time”
Through images and narrative, historical interpreter Eric Nelsen brings the story of the Palisades to life: from fishermen’s villages to palatial estates, the epic struggle to preserve the ancient cliffs, and the thriving beaches and campgrounds of the Depression and New Deal era.
The program starts at 4:30 PM with shoreline fishing, but you can come earlier. Fish all day if you want. The meeting begins at 7:30 and then the presentation by Eric Nelsen at 8 p.m.. A coupon on the web site ( will save nonmembers the $2 entrance fee. The Pavilion is located in the north end of the Alpine Boat Basin at the base of the palisade off of EXIT 2 (Police Headquarters) of the Palisades Interstate Parkway in Alpine NJ. Questions? 201-446-2652.