Surfcasters & Striper Conservation: The Do's & Dont's of Striper Fishing [Video] - The Fisherman

Surfcasters & Striper Conservation: The Do’s & Dont’s of Striper Fishing [Video]

Full Open Boat Interview on Striper Conservation

With the Fall Run upon us, it is important for anglers to understand the species they are targeting, it’s history, and how to properly handle it. Striper conservation is a subject that comes hand-in-hand with surfcasting, without it, there would be no stripers left to catch. Jenni Ackerman, Media Coordinator of The Fisherman Magazine and avid fisherman herself, interviews Professor John A. Tiedemann, Assistant Dean, School of Science Director, Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy Program (MEBP) who specializes in the best practices for catch-and-release of angled striped bass. Jenni on her Open Boat series featured within New Jersey’s Video Fishing Forecast and as its own separate entity on The Fisherman Magazine’s YouTube,  dives into questions with Professor Tiedemann regarding the projected fall run season, the status on the striped bass year class, and how surfcasters can contribute to striper conservation through simple methods they can put to practice while fishing this Fall Run season and fishing in general.