Created by Capt. Mel True, the Bad Daddy Fishing Tournament is a fun event promoting the sport of fishing and involving all fishermen regardless of skill or age. As a full-time captain and tournament fisherman, Capt. Mel’s daughter jokingly called him a “Bad Daddy” for not taking her fishing with him more often. From that joke the Bad Daddy Fishing Tournament was born as a way to include the entire family in a fun, friendly fishing competition. The tournament is designed so everyone who makes an effort to get out and fish has an opportunity to see their name on the leader board! Become a real "Bad Daddy" and get someone new involved in the sport of fishing; they will be hooked for life.
Regardless of your skill level, winning is a realistic possibility with eligible species including black sea bass, scup/porgy and blackfish/tautog. Every spring these species flood the inshore waters of Buzzards Bay and provide some of the best bottom fishing of the season. Cash and prizes will be awarded for both adult and youth divisions in each species at the tournament headquarters.
The captain’s meeting will take place on Friday, June 8, at the tournament headquarters located at Rick’s Outboard in Fairhaven, MA. At this time captain’s bags with tournament t-shirt (while supplies last) and goodies will be handed out. The $40 adult entry fee ($20 for kids age 12 and under) includes captain’s bags and a ticket to a cookout where entertainment, food and beverages will be provided with no additional fees. Each angler is allowed to enter one fish per species. Lines in at 5:00 am on June 9, and concludes with all lines out of the water at 1:00 pm on June 9. All fish must be weighed-in and registered at Rick’s Outboard from 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm on June 9. An awards ceremony and cookout to follow.
For more details and to register, please visit the tournament website today!