Evident by the lack of participation in recent weeks, it’s safe to say winter is starting to slowly take over. Going fishing is still an option if you’re willing to brave the elements. Lots of freshwater opportunities exist throughout Long Island and upstate New York. Ice fishing is even an option if the temperatures get cold enough by February. Another option is to hop on a party boat trip in search form cod, pollock and other bottom dwellers in the deep.
One thing that most anglers look forward to, including myself during this time of year is the list of winter shows. Recently I sat down to review the ones in the pipeline and it will indeed be a very busy show season for The Fisherman Magazine.
It was actually more recently at a fishing flea market that made me re-realize the importance of going to these social events aside from the main objective of stocking up on fishing tackle for next season. While sitting down and working the table at this post-holiday flea market, a gentleman came up to me to talk fishing. He expressed his enjoyment of reading the magazine and told me a bit about where he fished and how his season was. We also chatted about the late Fred Golofaro too who sat in the same spot I did during that flea market in years past.
At some point in the conversation we got into knots. This man by the name of Bob Dorsch explained to me how he tied this certain knot due to its simplicity and ease while on a rocking boat. No exaggeration, within 10 seconds he attached one of the plugs sitting on the table to a piece of monofilament leader material. It almost seemed like a magic trick due to the speed in which he tied the knot. I’ve tied the Improved Clinch knot for years which is still a favorite among most but the ease of the knot this gentleman tied for me was too easy for me not to learn myself. Within a minute I picked it up and repeated it a few more times. “Easy right?” he said. I nodded in agreement and thanked him for showing me this new knot to add to my arsenal before he went on his way.
What I’m trying to get at is while tackle is the main attraction at these events, it’s sometimes the interactions like the one that I had with Bob that make going to these things entirely worth it. Aside from just trying knots like in my case, it’s the stories, comradery, and friendships made from meeting another individual face to face.
These are the interactions that I look forward to every year while working the Fisherman booth all winter long. And I encourage you to come to the booth this winter, whether you have met the crew before or not. Tell up a fishing story, about how you landed or lost that big one this last season. Sometimes it’s the stories that you tell us that inspire us to write about them in upcoming issues. And you never know, we might even ask you to write it out for us to publish in our Tale End section of the magazine.
As I write this I’ll let you know the Long Island crew will have a presence at Striper Day VI; New York Boat Show; Route 110 Fishing Flea Market; Montauk Surfcasters Association Surf Day; Freeport Fishing and Boating Show; World Fishing & Outdoor Exposition; Ward Melville High School Saltwater Seminar & Fundraiser; Long Island Boat and Fishing Show; Lindenhurst Spring Fishing Flea Market; Saltwater Fishing Expo; Babylon Fishing Flea Market and the Annual Long Island Fly Fishing Expo. For exact dates and information refer to the calendar section of the magazine. Oh and additionally for those do re-subscribe or sign up at the shows we’ll have tackle from Fishbites and BKK Hooks to give to you also. We hope to see you at one of them.