Editor’s Log: Is Their Actually An Offseason? - The Fisherman

Editor’s Log: Is Their Actually An Offseason?

And just like that, The Fisherman Magazine’s editorial calendar has come to a close for the 2023 season. Thirty-eight issues in total, 12 of them being glossy print issues and 26 of them being weekly digital issues. I could certainly describe it as an editorial marathon. But, of course, it doesn’t end there. Those weekly video fishing forecasts that so many of you tune into every Thursday will continue through the offseason months here at The Fisherman Magazine. I’ll be giving report updates from around the island, event news, and just general information. The contributors will be letting us all know their reports as well. And if that’s not enough, those on our e-newsletter will still be receiving local and regional news, tips, and stories every week through the winter. On top of that, we will be putting out those ICAST product videos, too. Oh, and did I mention that during the months of January, February, and March, we’re still going to be printing those monthly issues showing up in your mailbox or on newsstands — that’s a ton of offseason content!

Let’s also not forget that the staff from the magazine will be manning the booths at most of the fishing and boating events and shows throughout the region for the next four months. The first on my radar is January 14th for Surfcaster’s Journal Striper Day. Right after that, I’ll be at the Fisherman Flea Market on the 21st in Babylon, and the following weekend, I’ll be at the booth at the Javits Center from the 24th to the 28th for the New York Boat Show. We typically run some pretty sweet incentives to sign up at these events, which will have you walking away with a fishing tackle on top of your subscription to the magazine. Keep an eye out for promo items in upcoming issues of the magazine and on the video fishing forecast.

Leah Simon shows off her cover photo at the Ward Melville Fishing Fundraiser with managing editor Matt Broderick.

Aside from all of these things, the editors, Jim Hutchinson from New Jersey and Dave Anderson from New England, along with myself, will be brainstorming and planning out all the editorial for the 2024 year to bring you the best content you can possibly get. If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see this upcoming year in the magazine, send me an email at [email protected]. Even better, would you jump at the chance to see something you wrote in the magazine? Every month, we run a Tale End column in the back of the book, which is usually a unique fishing tale that you experienced while fishing, driving to fish, or even thinking about fishing — you get the idea. It could be about anything related to fishing! We’re always accepting those pieces as well. They typically run about 750 words with a photo that relates to the piece.

So between the tackle preparation, cabin fever trips to the local lakes and rivers, maybe the potential trip to a warmer state to wet a line, and all of these events and shows on the agenda, I have to ask — is there really an offseason for Northeast fishing?


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