The first state record fish of 2024 has officially been established! Chuck Zimmerman of Hilton, NY recently smashed the 2018 state record by over a pound when he hooked into a monster longnose gar on Butterfield Lake in Jefferson County while fishing with friends during their annual week-long trip. It measured over 53 inches and weighed in at 15 pounds 14 ounces. Congratulations Chuck!
Along with sturgeon, longnose gar are considered living dinosaurs so we’re fortunate to have them still swimming in our waters today. Their long, needle-like snout is filled with rows of teeth, making them tough to mistake with any other fish species. Longnose gar are commonly found in shallow weedy areas and are often found swimming near the water’s surface. Their distribution is primarily in the St. Lawrence River, Niagara River, Lake Champlain, eastern Lake Ontario, and the larger tributaries to these waters.