Oops, We Goofed On Black Drum - The Fisherman

Oops, We Goofed On Black Drum

In the May print edition of The Fisherman Magazine, the updated black sea bass regulations for 2022 were inadvertently posted under black drum on page 54 under the Current Fishing Regulations for New Jersey.  Please note that the regulations for black drum (three fish at a 16-inch minimum size) remain in effect.

We are still awaiting the “official” word from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on the posted changes to summer flounder, black sea bass and porgy which should be finalized soon by the state.

The Fisherman is also awaiting final word from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) on official update for 2022 regulations where the summer flounder size limit is expected to drop 16 inches with a four fish bag limit.

In Delaware, black sea bass for 2022 is expected to be a 15 fish bag and 13-inch size limit with an open season from May 15 to December 11, while the size limit for porgy will increase by 1 inch.




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