Photo Gallery: A Real Mixed Bag - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery: A Real Mixed Bag

The summer of 2022 provided a real smorgasbord of species, especially as the heat wave was breaking and giving way to fall. We saw all kinds of exotics including king mackerel, cobia and mahi. We also saw a strong uptick in fluke action and a steady bite for sea bass and scup during this time. And even during the height of the saltwater season, we were still seeing plenty of pics of freshwater catches like trout and largemouth bass.

While on a trip with Jason Colby of Little Sister Charters, regular customer Bob nailed this knothead sea bass.
Sam took a trip with Little Sister Charters and pulled this colorful ‘chicken’ mahi off some floating debris.
Landon and Black Phaiah had a blast crushing the porgies aboard the Black Hawk this summer.
Nico Carter really enjoyed his ride on the Black Hawk, you can see it in his smile.
Regular photo contributor Lynn DeTour with another nice trout taken from a local river.
Bob Gulheen’s group had an awesome time fishing with Capt. TJ Karbowski aboard Rock and Roll Charters, here’s Bob with Ed, Al, Robert, Trevor and Mark showing off their catch!



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Photo Gallery: One For The Ice-Obsessed

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