Reader Gallery: Home & Abroad - The Fisherman

Reader Gallery: Home & Abroad

Digging through my photo stash, I feel like we have it all covered; early fall albies, smallmouths through the ice, early spring largemouth and even a hogfish from the Gulf of Mexico. As we transition into spring and local fisheries kick back into high gear we’ll see a lot more saltwater species from local waters, but for now we’re seeing it all, home and abroad. If you would like to see your photos displayed here, please email them to [email protected] with all the important details about the angler and the catch.

Capt. Jason Colby of Little Sister Charters took a trip to Tarpon Springs Florida and landed this hogfish among the many other species landed that day.
You see his face and hear his report every week on our New England Fishing Forecast, here’s some proof that he knows what he’s doing, a nice early spring largemouth from southeastern Massachusetts.
Here’s one that slipped through the cracks last fall, Paul Johnson with a nice albie landed from the rocks.
The last of the ice fishing photos from this winter, here’s Danny Parma with a nice smallie taken on the jigging stick.
Kayak angler Larry LaForce with a nice smallie from a Plymouth Pond back in April.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


Reader Gallery: A Bunch’a Regulars


Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking