Resor Wreck - The Fisherman

Resor Wreck

N39 46.845 / W73 25.332

One of the most notable casualties of the World War II German sub wolfpack was the unfortunate sinking of the 435-foot standard oil company tanker, R.P. Resor.  German sub U-578 intercepted and torpedoed the Resor on February 26, 1942 and all but two perished of the 43-man crew. In an epilogue, the U-578 was tracked down in the waters off of Spain and was vengefully sunk by allied bombers.

The wreckage exists roughly 31 to 34 miles from Barnegat and Manasquan Inlets respectfully, and sits in depths of 57 to 125 feet along the 20-fathom line. Scattered over roughly 400 feet, the highest point is still the stern section, which rises up to a height of 40 feet with two high peaks of the wheelhouse and the bow. The old growth wreck has plenty of marine substrate on its body with assorted mussel beds, clam beds, corals and anemones colonizing the area, thus attracting plenty of species.

In the old days when sharking was en vogue, the Resor was número uno on the hot spot hit list to find wandering makos, threshers and blue sharks, and they still hang on the structure to this day during May through October, peaking in June and July. The wreck is close enough for other pelagics to come inspect, namely bluefin tuna in recent years. The BFT bite can be legendary at the Resor, and usually has hit from June through September where an array of squid spreader bars, sidetrackers, ballyhoo baits and green machines can dial you into tuna spanning from 40 to 300 pounds.

Images courtesy of Navionics and the Navionics Boating app.
Images courtesy of Navionics and the Navionics Boating app.

The Resor also lays just north of another super 20-fathom hot spot of the Fingers, so you can pop back and forth between the areas to set up on a shark slick or to troll the area for tuna.

In the heat of the summer, light tackle enthusiasts will most definitely find roving packs of mahi, Spanish mackerel, bonito, skipjacks and false albacore schools as they zip through the area. Small 3-inch feathers or Clark Spoons can dial you into drag-ripping runs on light gear.

Bottomfishing is top notch here especially during the colder months from November through February where scores of titanic tautog hang around the wreck patrolling and picking away at white legger crabs. If you want a chance at a 10-pound plus blackfish, December and January are good months to find one here. Not only are blackfish hangers of the wreck, but large codfish and pollock up to 40 pounds can be hovering in and over the structure piles. Ava jigs, hammered diamond jigs and butterfly jigs will hang them, but simple clam baits dropped around the debris fields will get whacked quickly by cod averaging 5 to 15 pounds. Come springtime in April and May, cod are even more voracious feeders.

The wreck of the Resor offers plenty of year round opportunities, and the debris field is vast enough to take a whole day’s working over. Plug it in this year for success. 



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