Two New Reef Deployments Off the Jersey Shore - The Fisherman

Two New Reef Deployments Off the Jersey Shore

Staff of New Jersey Marine Fisheries Administration coordinated two deployments off the Jersey Coast in early June as part of the Artificial Reef Program.

The first deployment, a 150-foot long caisson gate, was deployed on the morning of June 8 on the Deepwater Reef site. A caisson gate is a barrier used to dam off the open end of a dry dock, and is constructed of heavy gauge steel with several tons of ballast in the keel.

The deployment is sponsored by The Sportfishing Fund, an organization dedicated to artificial reef building. This deployment rests at approximately 38 58.3 / 74 11.00.

The second deployment occurred the following morning at the Sandy Hook Reef site. The sinking of the 65-foot tugboat VINIK HUNTRESS is in memory of Hudson River Fishermen’s Association past member Darren Cardinal. Sponsorship at Sandy Hook is being provided by the association and The Sportfishing Fund.  The vessel rests at approximately 40 21.50 / 73 56.40.

Vessels and structures such as these, after being emptied of all machinery and fluids and thoroughly cleaned, are inspected by the U.S. Coast Guard and DEP before sinking. Due to the thickness and quality of steel used in their construction, staff expect their service life on an artificial reef on the ocean floor for over 75 years.

For information about The Sportfishing Fund and how to donate to future reef deployments visit



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