As of the close of trout water sets in on March 1st, Connecticut DEEP Inland Fisheries Division began spring trout stocking a lengthy list of select trout waters across the state. This brings a friendly reminder that fishing season has closed in many of Connecticut’s streams and rivers and a number of lakes and ponds (there are no new regulations in effect for the 2013 season, so refer to the 2012 online Anglers Guide for complete regulations).
Anglers still looking to wet a line need not fret, however, as there are plenty of opportunities to wet a line in any of the State’s 16 Trout Management Areas as well as all Class 1 Wild Trout Management Areas (which remain open year round for catch-and-release fishing). These special locations are open for pre-season catch-and-release fishing and generally receive an extra slug fish prior to opening day. TMA’s are located on the Farmington River, Hammonasset River, Hockanum River, Housatonic River (two TMA’s), Mianus River, Mill River (Fairfield), Mill River (Hamden), Moosup River, Pequabuck River (including Coppermine Brook), Naugatuck River, Salmon River, Saugatuck River, Willimantic River and Yantic River.