MD DNR Encorcing New Gear Restrictions For Stripers - The Fisherman

MD DNR Encorcing New Gear Restrictions For Stripers

Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNF) announced in early September that DNR police had charged six Maryland charter boat operators with multiple fishing violations following a lengthy investigation into the use of prohibited fishing gear. The investigation began in October 2019 in response to tips to the DNR.

During the investigation, police discovered several charter boats had violated the size and catch limit for striped bass, failed to use non-offset circle hooks while chumming or live-lining in tidal waters as required in Maryland, and committed other violations.  According to a press release the DNR police have been working tirelessly to make sure that those fishing for striped bass are following the law.

“While the vast majority of Maryland’s fishing community is law-abiding and understands the need for our regulations, there unfortunately are those who break the rules,” said DNR Police Col. Adrian Baker said. “Our conservation laws are designed for the protection and sustainability of our resources, and we will stay vigilant to see they are enforced.”

DNR officials said there have been more than 800 citations related to striped bass violations issued to recreational fishermen so far in 2020.  Maryland sportsmen can report a fishing or wildlife violation by contacting Maryland Wildlife Crime Stoppers at 443-433-4112.


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