Freshwater Regulation Change Proposals - The Fisherman

Freshwater Regulation Change Proposals

newsDEC is proposing new regulations with the hope to provide even more quality fishing opportunities for sunfish and crappie throughout the state.

The proposals include:

  • Reducing the sunfish statewide daily harvest limit from 50 to 25.
  • Increasing the crappie statewide minimum size limit from 9 to 10 inches.
  • Implementing an 8-inch minimum size limit and a daily harvest limit of 15 for sunfish in the following waters: Blydenburgh Lake (DEC Region 1), Lake Welch (Region 3), Canadarago Lake and Goodyear Lake (Region 4), Saratoga Lake (Region 5), Sixtown Pond and Red Lake (Region 6), Cazenovia Lake and Otisco Lake (Region 7), Honeoye Lake (Region 8), and Silver Lake (Region 9).

Visit DEC’s website for more information on the direction the Bureau of Fisheries would like to take with sunfish and crappie management in New York State.


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