Photo Gallery - The Fisherman

Photo Gallery

Philip Sparacino set out on a mission to catch his first keeper striper from the surf and on November 8 he succeeded his mission with a 31-incher caught off Tobay Beach using a diamond jig.
Some large stripers were making their way down the coast near Jones Inlet in the beginning of November when Anthony D’Amato was able to intersect one using trolling mojos. The one he happened to come across was a whopping 47-inches and 50 pounds.
Joseph Micara was working the bunker pods on the western end of Long Island during the beginning of November when he hooked, landed and released his personal best striper of the fall. The fish measured 45 inches and weighed 45 pounds.
The run was on for Jennifer Schwing of Staten Island by early November. She fished in Raritan Bay using a Blue Water Candy Umbrella rig in white for a 32-incher.
Right outside of Jones Inlet Joe Russo managed to find the fall striper run taking place and caught himself an overslot. He took a quick picture before sending the fish on its way to continue the migration.
Bayport-Blue Point native Jay Little caught the sunset on the opposite side of the bay from his hometown. He also caught a nice slot striper in the process, along with several others before calling it a trip.
Stephen Lobosco worked the East End surf of Long Island on a prime moon tide for a XXL striper off the sand beach. Will we see surf fishing into December this year? There’s a good possibility!
Snap-Jigging was the method choice for Rob Fioresi when it came to catching this October striper from the eastern end of the island. He used a Premium Bucktail and a custom Snap-Jig rod specialized for the task.


Photo Gallery: Summer Selections

June marches out like a lion, but summer variety has arrived!


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Reader Gallery: Party Boat Fluking