Shimano School has returned for another season of informative and entertaining events in 2021. JP DeRose hosts these live streaming video workshops, with compelling topics and special guests from across the spectrum of the fishing world.
Events are scheduled every two weeks and stream live on the Shimano Facebook Page ( as well as the Shimano North America’s YouTube Channel (
“The Shimano School seminars were developed to connect our consumers and fishing fans with some of the industry’s best anglers,” noted DeRose. “In our first season, we covered a myriad of topics that touched fisheries from across North America, including freshwater, inshore, nearshore and offshore bites,” he added.
The 2021 Shimano School kicked off on April 27 with special guest Benny Ortiz, pioneer of the slow-pitch jigging technique. Ortiz has landed over 80 species of saltwater fish in waters from 50 to 2000 feet of water, and the archived seminar at Shimano’s Facebook and YouTube channel may provide great input for those looking to get into slow-pitch jigging in local waters.
Next up in terms of live webinars of interest to Northeast and Mid-Atlantic angler in particular is on May 25 when Capt. Jack Sprengel will discuss topwater fishing with the Coltsniper Splash Walk. Viewers are invited to post questions to the Facebook and YouTube live streams as Capt. Sprengel, a hardcore New England striper fisherman, runs anglers through the topwater tactics for the 2021 season. Shimano School is in session starting at 8 p.m.
“Moving forward, I’m incredibly excited to dive further and deeper into the never ending techniques that drive innovation and development in fishing,” said DeRose, adding “We have a great season on tap for our viewers, from Benny Ortiz’s expertise with slow-pitch jigging to advanced finesse freshwater techniques, to spring topwater striped bass and so much more.”
“We have an endless bucket to reach into, and are grateful to have such a well-versed Shimano Pro Staff that is ready to help our viewers learn and become better anglers,” DeRose noted. Future guests and topics for Shimano School will be announced.