When Equivalency Isn’t Good
The almost never-ending talk this year about impending changes to striped bass regulations for 2020 and beyond made me realize something.
Pulaski Trout: Best in the World?
Few places exist where you can catch trout this size in these numbers, now is the time to start fishing here.
Winter Angling: the White Perch Option
Common in almost all tidal rivers of Southern New England, this cousin of the striped bass is a great off-season target.
Christmas Gifts: Delivering on a Promise
In a time of giving be careful of what you promise as fulfilling such commitments can come at a cost, one way or the other.
Pickerel on the Fly: An Underappreciated Fishery
With open-water options waning in the 12th month, the lowly pickerel offers an excellent opportunity to put a bend in your rod.
Northeast Striped Bass Study 2019: Tag #2 is Found
The second tag is in with full results to be revealed in late December.
2019 Holiday Gift Guide
This year’s Gift Guide features a wide selection of fishing related products designed to meet the gift giving needs of any angler, from stocking stuffers to that once in a lifetime gift.
More In This Issue
The Sandbank Channel, Rhode Island
A longstanding spot for winter cod with a shot at pollock and black sea bass in season.
Sharing the Wealth
“Do I really need this?” He asked himself while spinning the handle another turn before putting it down. I held my breath as he lifted up another old reel before putting it back on the shelf.